Posts Tagged ‘ Update ’


Welcome! One and all to the 2011-2012 school year!

Lots of new and cool stuff is in store for the Mac Lab Media team, Mac Lab Mentors, and every other maclab-ian.

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DGA #2

We recently finished the DGA shoot. We couldn’t include anyone because each shot was the-day-of notice.

BUT: If anyone would like to become a Camera raw master, contact Chris or I.

Bad news and an opportunity

So, bad news first:

Mr. Owens deemed it too close for us to do his API video. Therefore we have to find a new way to teach the n00bz.

Now for the opportunity.

DGA, the company that we did the commercial and product shoots for, want more pictures taken because they changed the look of the headphones and packaging.

For those of you who really like photoshop and editing photos, we’d like to include you in the process this time.

~will add more information when the photo shoot date is determined~

Last Week’s Chaos and What’s to Come

Last week Christopher and I were given multiple projects at once:

  1. Mrs. Dufloth’s HP grant video
  2. Dia De Los Muertos for Mrs. Potts
  3. Mrs. Giard’s Thriller video
  4. Cheer

We were able to finish 2.5 of them; Thriller and Dia De Los Muertos, and half of Mrs. Dufloth’s video. (Sorry cheer).

What’s next:

  • Prom video
  • “Thor” API poster
  • Mr. Owens’ API video

Remember: We will be training the new people during Mr. Owens’ video since the Prom video was such short notice. Expect an e-mail, personal conversation, or comment on the Blog soon.

Coming Soon

After our Theatre department is finished with Grease we will be able to start the video that Mr. Owens has commissioned us for.

Once we agree upon the Mr. Owens idea and his story boards then we will start the production process.

In other words: newbies, get ready because you’ll be a part of this project.