Posts Tagged ‘ New Projects ’


Welcome! One and all to the 2011-2012 school year!

Lots of new and cool stuff is in store for the Mac Lab Media team, Mac Lab Mentors, and every other maclab-ian.

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Bad news and an opportunity

So, bad news first:

Mr. Owens deemed it too close for us to do his API video. Therefore we have to find a new way to teach the n00bz.

Now for the opportunity.

DGA, the company that we did the commercial and product shoots for, want more pictures taken because they changed the look of the headphones and packaging.

For those of you who really like photoshop and editing photos, we’d like to include you in the process this time.

~will add more information when the photo shoot date is determined~

First Video of the 2nd Semester

Well, it’s been a while since the Mac Lab video team actually had a video project and it’s high time that we get down to business. It’s my pleasure to announce that Mr. Owens has commissioned us to produce a video encouraging students to do their best on the California Standardized Tests. This, along with the new 825 Academic Performance Index poster, will hopefully increase student interest in these seemingly pointless exams.

And so here’s the story. A few weeks ago while we were making slight changes to the Sweethearts 2010 video so that it could be used for 2011, Mr. Owens explained an idea that he was developing for a complex multi-month video project. He already had a thoroughly planned idea as well as basic storyboards, which saves us the difficult task of thinking up a cool story.

Before I post the actual outline, Philip, Kyle, and I need to review it again with Mr. Owens as well as get final approval from Mr. Skocko.

The idea still needs refining, but it definitely has potential and is within our technological reach. The only challenge is time. Mr. Owens wants to cast students from the Theatre Department, but the Theatre students will be preoccupied with their own work until just two weeks before our deadline. That gives us about three months to plan, but only about two weeks to shoot and edit the video. This will be a challenge, but a challenge that we can overcome. We will use the next three months to thoroughly plan the video and test various ways of using our equipment to best convey the tone that Mr. Owens wants to convey.

These next three months will give us a chance to teach the new members of Mac Lab Media some of the basics of camera use and video preparation. I will keep you updated with more details as to exactly what will be going on once the process gets off the ground.

Week 3

This is a list of the things we need to accomplish this week.

1) Find out if Mr. Owens want to edit the Pep Rally and Odin’s March himself or if we need to do if.

2) Completely plan Homecoming Video ideas. Maybe start filming.

3) Film Football on Thursday and Friday. Film Cheer on Tuesday (maybe) and Friday.

4) Set up PowerMac G5 as a hub for Mac Lab Media content.

5) Meet with Danny to go over upcoming projects and hear his advice.

6) For James: Meet with Tanya Bulette and Chris on Tuesday or Wednesday during 6th and 7th period to go over details of CTE poster boards. Finish CTE poster boards by Friday morning.

7) Meet with Steven during 7th period on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to finalize details of DGA Commercial.

8) Film DGA Commercial during MLSS™ on September 25th.

9) Finalize and submit purchase list by Wednesday.


James: Have you found any wireless lavaliers that you like better than the ones you showed me last week? You have until Wednesday to finalize your decision.

Short-Term Schedule

Here is the list of projects that Mac Lab Media has in the coming weeks and the people scheduled to help:

  1. Film Cheer on Tuesday, September 14, 3:30-7:30pm. – Kyle, Chris
  2. Odin’s March on Friday, September 17 – Chris, James, Kyle, Philip
  3. Film Football/Cheer on Friday, September 17, 7-10pm – Philip, Kyle
  4. Homecoming Advertisement – Due before Homecoming (10.1.2010)
  5. Homecoming Bio Videos? – Due before Homecoming (10.1.2010)
  6. One Day on Earth – Due October 10.

These are just the projects we must finish by October 10th. There are many more coming soon.

We desperately need volunteers for filming Cheer, Football, and Odin’s March. Leave a comment if you are interested. Also, if you have any ideas for One Day on Earth, leave a comment as well.

And don’t forget the mandatory meeting on Thursday, September 16th at lunch. Info here.